Why $99.00 Servicing is a catch
Every few years the Brisbane automotive scene sees the good old $99.00 service offer get pushed into the market again.
So let’s have a good look at what this is……
A “cheap car service” is exactly that a “cheap car service”,
please don’t confuse this with a “Good car service” they are two completely different items.
Cold weather starts
It's winter and cold; you don’t want to get out of bed, let alone deal with a car that doesn’t want to start.
The annoying click of a flat battery is the last thing you want on a chilly winter’s morning.
The reality is your car feels the same way.
While it would be great to go back to bed and ignore the car simply, your boss probably would disagree with your action plan, so we put this article together to assist you.
We may not get the sub-zero temperatures that winter brings to some parts of Australia.
We have some tips to help you start your car on those chilly mornings.
What I need to know about engine oils
Wow writing a blog on engine oils, there is so much to know about this particular topic.
So let me start with the best advice I can give you, if in doubt in any way talk to your local Future Auto Service Centre about what is the correct engine oil for your vehicle and why they recommend it.
They have a wealth of resources available to them and will happily ensure the correct oil is used in your vehicle.
Todays vehicles are becoming more complicated and specific oils are recommended by the manufacturer for the best use in these vehicles.
In the past a mechanic may have stocked 2-3 different types of oils that covered the majority of situations, modern service centres have to stock a multitude of different oils to ensure vehicles are operating with the correct oil in the engine.
“The wrong oil will lead to the destruction of the engine and an expensive replacement cost”
Steering Blog
Steering in cars today has evolved substantially from the days when we all drove cars with manual steering.
They were heavy to drive and difficult to manoeuvre, particularly at low speeds or when the vehicle was stationary.
The main component we use is the same, the steering wheel, yes the design has altered over the years but its function remains the same.
It connects to the remainder of the steering system and eventually to the wheels of the car; we turn the wheel to the left and the car turns to the left, turn it to the right, the car turns to the right and at the centre position we drive straight ahead.
Many other components of the steering and suspension system ensure the vehicle behaves the way we expect it to when the steering wheel is turned.
Exhaust Systems
Automotive exhaust systems are an essential safety part of your vehicle and play a vital role in the performance, fuel economy and operating systems governed by many emission control regulations.
The components of an exhaust system vary considerably depending on the manufacturer's and country's requirements.
Its primary purpose is to reduce both the emission and noise pollution created by the everyday workings of your vehicle's engine.
While some components are common to both petrol and diesel systems, others are not, and diesel-powered vehicles often require a different approach to periodic maintenance and procedures to keep the system operating.
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